Yesterday was a bit special. I helped Wendy process her first set of negs from her newly repaired Olympus OM1. It's a lovely, old, metal bodied, fully manual camera. Wendy managed to liberate the camera from the repairers last week before we went to Cornwall. So I gave her a bit of tutoring and we ran a roll of Kodak Tri-X through it while we were away.
We processed the results at home yesterday. I think she was really pleased with the results. She has a good photographic eye it has to be said. I was particularly pleased with the shot of me above. It makes me look like I know what I'm doing.
I was using my Nikon F60 loaded with infra red film. The deep red filter that is used with this type of film kills most of the light entering the camera, so that even on bright sunny days a tripod is always necessary to avoid camera shake. The results can be stunning for landscapes and urban architectural shots with bright foliaged trees and deep, amost black skies and clear, white fluffy cumulus clouds. This is my first attempt at using this type of film.
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