Thursday, 21 May 2009

Studio opportunity

To quote the immortal lyrics from Phil Collins...... Suh Suh Studio

Actually his song was called Sussudio or something daft like that but anyway I'm really excited about a potential studio place that may come available in quite a high profile Arts complex in Bristol.

A friend of a friend is an Artist and Silkscreen Printer and she is looking for someone to share the expense of her studio. My friend and I thought it would be a good idea to join her in a sort of Artists Cooperative. My friend is interested in fabrics and clothes design and I'm interested in photography, cyanotyping and alternative photographic printing methods.

If we could work out a process for printing onto fabric and other absorbent materials, we may have an opportunity to combine both into a marketable product.

1 comment:

HD said...

I look forward to seeing what comes out of the stu stu studio.