Just as well because my old pair are looking a bit worse for wear these days and may not make it through another winter.
My friend Howard introduced me to this ubiquitous item several years ago whilst on a ski trip in Chamonix and everytime I go on an alpine trip I look out for a replacement pair. Apparently these are given out to guests in the more luxurious alpine ski lodges as comfortable footwear to wear while drinking scotch and smoking an aromatic pipeful of St Bruno tobacco.

I never realised the true benefit of the Hutte schuh. The austrian mountain slipper is pretty much a woolen sock with a piece of leather on the bottom. In fact you might even argue - why write about it ? But it wasn't until I hiked into a cold and deserted cabin in rural austria one cold winter that I realised shoes were not an option in the hut. Of course when you are carrying all your food for the week in your back pack - space is a premium. However a pair of mountain slippers fit in the pack with no real weight increase or concern on space. Once installed in cabin - they are oh so important. In fact I don't believe the cabin warmed up for 24 hours hence you can sleep in them too.
Enjoy them John - and even better yet use them in their true habitat.
Err may I just add that i think my identity has been stolen. Ummm, now lets think who could it possibly be?
H get your own blog!!!
Although, I may add beautifully written.
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