Tuesday 22 September 2009

Great comedy site

Just been introduced to this new comedy site featuring this clip amongst many others.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Pictures of dying marine bring war home to America

I read this article this morning in the Guardian about a photograph of a young soldier fatally wounded in Afghanistan. It made me think about the role that Photographers have in reporting military conflicts and how important it is for the rest of us to see these images. At the same time it must be incredibly difficult for the family of this poor man. I can't imagine what they are going through.

The photographs of the late Philip Jones Griffiths (one of my heros), that great Welsh Photographer who reported on Vietnam, were credited by many experts as having a major influence on the American people and the movement to end the war. This illustrates how important it is for these images to be shown however difficult it is for the poor people directly impacted by these photographs.