Friday, 19 June 2009

Hey Ritchie, who's your pal?

I saw this picture on the Guardian website today and it made me smile and chuckle. Firstly it's a great iconic photograph of 2 of the greatest tennis adversaries of all time. In the picture Borg is the ultimate figure of calm, Scandinavian cool. He looks like a great Norseman wearing Fila. By contrast, McEnroe looks like some spotty New York toe rag who's just left a frat party. Secondly, the game between these 2 great players was one of the best games of tennis I have ever seen. I liked Borg and I thought McEnroe was a twat. I now recognise that McEnroe was an incredible player but he was still a bit of a twat.

My chuckle came from Borg's great look and uncanny resemblance to Ritchie Tenenbaum, AKA Luke Wilson in Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums film.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Suspension Bridge in Snow

Concentrating on Cyanotypes

We've been concentrating on cyanotypes of late. Set up a darkroom in the bathroom and we were off. Just a couple of results.