After last weekend's fun and enjoyment, the latest one turned out to be a bit of a disaster. On Saturday I screwed up the processing of last weekend's negatives when I mixed the wrong concentration of developer.
I remembered taking some interesting shots last week and I was so looking forward to the results. There were the shots of frosty Northam Burrows at dawn with the ponies in the cool morning sunshine. There were some shots of Howard and laura's new house taken before the refurbishment begins. And there was the shot taken from the summit of the boardwalk looking down the stony breakwater towards Ho; bright, low sunshine on one side of the ramp contrasted with the shady, cool beach with the lady and her dog on the other. I had big hopes for this photograph considering how good the light was and the subject matter was an interesting mix of textures and atmosphere.
Out of the 40+ bags of negatives that I've processed this last year, this was the first time I'd screwed up. I suppose that's not a bad hit ratio so long as it doesn't mark the beginning of a period of mistakes. And, I must take some satisfaction from the fact that I was able to backtrack and analyse my methods to determine the cause of the error which was important to do. All of this angst, trouble and uncertainty. "Why don't you just use your digital camera?", I hear you say. However, I agree with Magnum Photographer David Hurn when he said words along the lines of "Nowadays film photography may look like some sort of masochistic endeavour but it is the challenge and difficulty that make it so rewarding".
Sunday was a bit better although we lost an hour due to the clocks changing due to the start of British summer time (at last. Yippee!). I never really got it together on Sunday but I did manage to get a bike ride in the morning in the wonderful Leigh Woods with Mike and do some gardening in the afternoon which was useful. I'd forgotten how good Leigh Woods is when it's dry. Some great technical singletrack with lots of obstacles and deep ruts and nobody around. Also, it has a real sense of isolation which is quite a feat given its close proximity to Bristol's urban sprall.
So, a bit of a mixed weekend to be honest. Now I'm making plans for the 4 day break over Easter.